Lena Söldner, M. Sc.

Contact Info:


Phone Number: 089 / 2180 - 5884

Email: lena.soeldner@psy.lmu.de

Room:  3420

Main Research Topics

  • Development of the moral self-concept in early childhood
  • Reciprocal influence of moral self-concept and prosocial behavior

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2020

Research Associate at the Chair of Developmental Psychology at the LMU München


2016 - 2019

Master's Degree in Psychology at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


2014 - 2018

Assistant research associate at the Chair of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapt, Medical Sociology and Rehabilitation Sciences at the JMU Würzburg


2013 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


Söldner, L., Mammen, M., & Paulus, M. (2024). The Emergence of a Coherent Self-Concept: A

Longitudinal Study on the Development of the Moral Self. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dev0001673


Christner, N., Sticker, R. M., Söldner, L., Mammen, M., & Paulus, M. (2020). Prevention for

oneself or others? Psychological and social factors that explain social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Health Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105320980793



Conference talks:

Söldner, L., & Paulus, M. (2023, Madrid). The early emergence of the moral self-concept and its

relation to prosocial behavior. Talk presented online at the JPS Conference 2023 in Madrid, Spain

Söldner, L., Kellermann, C. & Paulus, M. (2023). Die frühe Entwicklung des moralischen 

Selbstkonzepts und seine Beziehung zu prosozialem Verhalten. Talk presented in Duisburg at the Moralforschertagung 2023


Söldner, L., Mammen, M. & Paulus, M. (2022). Die frühe Entwicklung des moralischen

 Selbstkonzepts: Eine Längsschnittstudie. Talk presented online at the Moralforschertagung 2022


Söldner, L., Meng, K., Faller, H., Schuler, M. (2016, Aachen). Dimensionalität und Messinvarianz

der 12-Item Kurzform des Progredienzangstfragebogens (PA-F-KF). Talk presented at the Colloquium of Rehabilitationscience in Aachen, Germany



Conference Posters

Söldner, L. & Paulus, M. (Salt Lake City, 2023). Preschool children’s moral self-concept predicts

their guilt related behavior. Poster presented at the SRCD 2023 in Salt Lake City, USA


Söldner, L., Mammen, M. & Paulus, M. (Rhodos, 2022). The emergence of the early moral self-

concept and its relation to prosocial behavior. Poster presented at the ISSBD 2022 in Rhodos, Greek


Söldner, L., Mammen, M. & Paulus, M. (2021). The factorial structure of the moral self-concept

in early childhood. Poster presented online at the JPS 2021



Sarah Hörbrand, Sarah Maria Kasper, Franziska Förs