Home >> For Parents and Kindergartens >> Information for Parents

Information for Parents

We cordially invite interested parents with babies and children of all ages to participate in one of our studies!


If you participate in a study, we will invite you to one of our four rooms in Leopoldstraße.


Once there, your child will first have time to familiarize themselves with the new situation. We do this in a playful and age-appropriate way.


After your questions have been clarified, we begin with the study games. We often show the children a situation or tell a short story. Then we look at how the child thinks about it or how it behaves in the situation. Sometimes we are also interested in your interaction with your child as a bonding figure.


At the end of the games, your child receives a small gift and there will be time to clarify any further questions. You will also receive information about the results once the study has been completed.


Participation and Registration

Have we caught your interest?



If so, we would be delighted if you could fill in and send us the following contact form. You are welcome to let us know which projects you are particularly interested in. We will then try to find a suitable study.


Baby- und Kinderstudien der LMU

Leopoldstraße 13

80802 München


You will find us in the basement of house 1.

U-Bahn-Stop: Giselastraße

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By phone or e-mail

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us personally via the following channels:


Phone: 089/2180-5022

E-mail: Kinderstudien@psy.lmu.de