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Essler, S., Christner, N., & Paulus, M. (2021). Longitudinal relations between parental strain,
parent-child relationship quality and child well-being during the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
Essler, S., & Paulus, M. (2021). Robin Hood or Matthew? Children’s reasoning about
redistributive justice in the context of economic inequalities. Child Development, 92(4), 1254-1273.
Children's understanding of fairness
Developmental psychologists at the LMU Munich want to find out how our sense of justice develops. They use playful tasks to observe children sharing.
Here you will find the first interim report on the study: "Families in the corona crisis"
Interview with Nina-Alina Hinz:
15x4 AMA sessions: Ask Me Anything abour Social Cognition, Night Sky, Inca Emprie, Gut-Brain Connect
Social cognition is an umbrella term for all the mechanisms that we use to process social information. In this online "ask me anything"-session, Nina-Alisa Hinz answers all of the audience's questions regarding social cognition.
Interview and article with Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus
“Talk to kids about how other people feel,” says Markus Paulus, a professor of developmental psychology at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
To foster empathic behavior like sharing, helping and comforting others in a child, guide them into the inner world of feelings — their own and those of others.
If you look in mirror, you see yourseld. But did you ever wonder how you know that this is indeed you in the mirror? In this talk Nina-Alisa Hinz will show you how we form a concept of "self" and how one can easily test this at home.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus
Leschs Kosmos:
"Sharing, helping, comforting.
Nine questions on the subject of prosocial behavior for the developmental psychologist Professor Markus Paulus."
Leschs Kosmos
Article about: "The violence in us - is society brutalizing?" (in German)
When does empathy develop?
We are currently in the children's area of the Deutsches Museum and are running short, exciting games with interested children aged four to eight.
Feel free to stop by and find out more about our current projects - you will find us on the upper floor of the children's paradise.
We would like to thank the Deutsches Museum for their kind support!
Interview with our research associate Dr. Antonia Misch on the topic of:
"Science, and understanding how science works, is important for everyone: Meet Antonia Misch"